1 Badunova Pałuta (Бадунова Палута), teacher, political leader. Biographical data about her are scarce. It is known that Badunova studied prior to the revolution at Moscow… 2 Baroŭski Andrej (Бароўскі Андрэй). Born on December 11, 1873 in Mitawa; died on January 12, 1945. Baroŭski studied at the University of Derpt and in St. Petersburg. Became… 3 Belarusian National Committee, The (Biełaruski Nacyjanalny Kamitet; Беларускі Нацыянальны Камітэт) elected at the First Conference of the Belarusian National Organizations and Political… 4 Belarusian Revolutionary Hramada, The (Biełaruskaja Revalucyjnaja Hramada; Беларуская Рэвалюцыйная Грамада), political party established in 1902 by Ivan and Anton Łuckievič (later the Belarusian… 5 Belarusian Socialist Hramada, The (Biełaruskaja Sacyjalistyčnaja Hramada, BSH; Беларуская Сацыялістычная Грамада, БСГ), political party established in December of 1903. In fact this was… 6 Budźka Eduard (also spelled Budźka Advardy; Будзька Эдуард), teacher, economist, political leader. Eduard Budźka was born in the town of Budsłaŭ (Vialejka district)… 7 Bujnicki Ihnat (also spelled Buinitski; Буйніцкі Ігнат), artist, producer, civic. Ihnat Bujnicki was born in the village of Palevačy, township of Hłybokaje, on August… 8 Burbis Alaksandar (Бурбіс Аляксандар), widely known civic, cultural and political leader. Burbis was born in Vilna on October 8(20), 1885; he died in Miensk on March 20,…